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wclBluetoothLeConnectionParametersType Enumeration

The enumeration defines the Bluetooth LE GATT preferred connection parameters.

Namespace: wclBluetooth
Assembly: wclBluetoothFramework (in wclBluetoothFramework.dll) Version: (
public enum wclBluetoothLeConnectionParametersType
Member nameValueDescription
ppBalanced0 The balanced set of connection parameters, offering a balance between throughput and power usage.
ppPowerOptimized1 The more power-efficient set of connection parameters. Optimized for power usage at the expense of throughput. Also allows for more simultaneous connections to other Bluetooth devices.
ppThroughputOptimized2 The more aggressive set of connection parameters, optimized for faster throughput at the expense of power usage. Also reduces the number of simultaneous connections that can be made to other Bluetooth devices.
See Also