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wclGattClientConnection Class

The class represents a Bluetooth LE GATT client connection.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: wclBluetooth
Assembly: wclBluetoothFramework (in wclBluetoothFramework.dll) Version: (
public abstract class wclGattClientConnection : wclClientConnection

The wclGattClientConnection type exposes the following members.

Public methodwclGattClientConnection Creates a new GATT client connection object.
Public propertyAddress Gets a remote device MAC address.
Public propertyConnectOnRead Gets connection mode.
Public propertyForceNotifications Gets the notifications mode.
Public propertyRadio Gets the connection owner.
Public propertyReceiver Gets the connection message receiver object.
(Inherited from wclCustomConnection)
Public propertyState Gets the connection state.
(Inherited from wclClientConnection)
Public propertyThreadId Gets the connection's thread ID.
(Inherited from wclCustomConnection)
Public propertyTimeout Gets the connect timeout value.
(Inherited from wclClientConnection)
Public methodConnect(UInt32) Connects to a remote device.
(Inherited from wclClientConnection)
Public methodConnect(Int64, Boolean, Boolean) Connects to a remote device.
Public methodDisconnect Disconnects from the connected remote device.
(Inherited from wclClientConnection)
Protected methodDoCharacteristicChanged Fires the OnCharacteristicChanged event.
Protected methodDoConnect Fires the OnConnect event.
(Inherited from wclClientConnection)
Protected methodDoConnectionParamsChanged Fires the OnConnectionParamsChanged event.
Protected methodDoConnectionPhyChanged Fires the OnConnectionPhyChanged event.
Protected methodDoDisconnect Fires the OnDisconnect event.
(Inherited from wclClientConnection)
Protected methodDoMaxPduSizeChanged Fires the OnPduMaxSizeChanged event.
Protected methodEnter Enters the connection's critical section.
(Inherited from wclCustomConnection)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalize Frees the connection.
(Inherited from wclClientConnection)
Public methodGetConnectionParams Gets the current connection parameters.
Public methodGetConnectionPhyInfo Reads the Bluetooth LE physical layer (PHY) information.
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetMaxPduSize Reads the maximum PDU size for the current connection.
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodHalCommunicate Implements a hardware-dependent code that communicate with the connected remote device.
(Inherited from wclClientConnection)
Protected methodHalConnect Implements a hardware-dependent code that connects to a remote device.
(Overrides wclClientConnectionHalConnect(IntPtr))
Protected methodHalDisconnect Implements a hardware-dependent code that disconnects from the connected remote device.
(Overrides wclClientConnectionHalDisconnect)
Protected methodHalGetConnectionParams Implements a hardware-dependent code to get the current connection parameters.
Protected methodHalGetConnectionPhyInfo Implements a hardware-dependent code to reads the Bluetooth LE physical layer (PHY) information.
Protected methodHalGetMaxPduSize Implements a hardware-dependent code to reads the maximum PDU size for the current connection.
Protected methodHalReadCharacteristics Implements a hardware-dependent code for reading the characteristics available for the specified service.
Protected methodHalReadCharacteristicValue Implements a hardware-dependent code for reading the value of the specified characteristic.
Protected methodHalReadDescriptors The method reads all the descriptors available for the specified characteristic.
Protected methodHalReadDescriptorValue Implements a hardware-dependent code for reading the value of the specified descriptor.
Protected methodHalReadIncludedServices Implements a hardware-dependent code for reading the included services available for a given service.
Protected methodHalReadServices Implements a hardware-dependent code for reading available services from a remote Bluetooth LE device.
Protected methodHalSetConnectionParams(wclBluetoothLeConnectionParametersType) Implements a hardware-dependent code to request the connection parameters change to the specified preferred connection parameters.
Protected methodHalSetConnectionParams(wclBluetoothLeConnectionParametersValue) Implements a hardware-dependent code to request the connection parameters change to the specified preferred connection parameters.
Protected methodHalSubscribe Implements a hardware-dependent code to subscribes for the characteristic changes notifications.
Protected methodHalUnsubscribe Implements a hardware-dependent code to unsubscribes from the characteristic changes notifications.
Protected methodHalWriteCharacteristicValue Implements a hardware-dependent code to write the specified characteristic value to the Bluetooth device.
Protected methodHalWriteDescriptorValue Implements a hardware-dependent code to write the specified descriptor value to the Bluetooth device.
Protected methodInternalDisconnect The internal disconnect method. Disconnects from a connected remote device.
(Inherited from wclClientConnection)
Protected methodLeave Exists *leaves) the connection's critical section.
(Inherited from wclCustomConnection)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMessageReceived The method called when a new notification message received.
(Overrides wclClientConnectionMessageReceived(wclMessage))
Protected methodNotifyClosed Send a Disconnect notification message.
(Inherited from wclClientConnection)
Protected methodPrepareForConnection The method called internally before connection.
Public methodReadCharacteristics The method reads all the characteristics available for the specified service.
Public methodReadCharacteristicValue The method reads the value of the specified characteristic.
Public methodReadDescriptors The method reads all the descriptors available for the specified characteristic.
Public methodReadDescriptorValue The method reads the value of the specified descriptor.
Public methodReadIncludedServices The method reads all the included services available for a given service.
Public methodReadServices Reads available services from a remote Bluetooth LE device.
Public methodSetConnectionParams(wclBluetoothLeConnectionParametersType) Request the connection parameters change to the specified preferred connection parameters.
Public methodSetConnectionParams(wclBluetoothLeConnectionParametersValue) Request the connection parameters change to the specified preferred connection parameters.
Public methodSubscribe Subscribes for the characteristic changes notifications.
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodUnsubscribe Unsubscribes from the characteristic changes notifications.
Public methodWriteCharacteristicValue The method writes the specified characteristic value to the Bluetooth device.
Public methodWriteClientConfiguration Writes the client configuration descriptor to the device.
Public methodWriteDescriptorValue The method writes the specified descriptor value to the Bluetooth device.
Public eventOnCharacteristicChanged The event fires when a subscribed characteristic value has been changed.
Public eventOnConnect The event fires when a connection to a remote device has been completed (with or without success).
(Inherited from wclClientConnection)
Public eventOnConnectionParamsChanged The event fires when the connection parameters changed.
Public eventOnConnectionPhyChanged The event fires when the connection PHY changed.
Public eventOnDisconnect The event fires when the remote connected device has been disconnected.
(Inherited from wclClientConnection)
Public eventOnMaxPduSizeChanged The event fires when the maximum PDU size changed.
An application must never create instances of this class directly. Instead of that an application must use related methods from the wclBluetoothRadio object.
See Also