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wclBluetoothRadio Class

The class represents a local Bluetooth radio module.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: wclBluetooth
Assembly: wclBluetoothFramework (in wclBluetoothFramework.dll) Version: (
public abstract class wclBluetoothRadio

The wclBluetoothRadio type exposes the following members.

Public methodwclBluetoothRadio Creates a new radio object.
Public propertyApi Gets a Bluetooth driver (API) supported by this Bluetooth object.
Public propertyApiName Gets a supported Bluetooth API name.
Public propertyAvailable Gets a Radio hardware state.
Public propertyClassicSupported Gets the Classic Bluetooth support status.
Public propertyComPorts Gets the array of the created virtual COM ports.
Public propertyDiscovering Gets discovering state.
Protected propertyIncludePaired Gets the devices discovering modification flag.
Protected propertyLeDiscovering Gets the discovering type flag.
Public propertyLeSupported Gets the Bluetooth Low Energy support status.
Public propertyManager Gets the wclBluetoothManager object that owns the Radio.
Protected propertyPairAddress Gets the pairing device address for manual pairing.
Public propertyPairing Gets a manual pairing state.
Public propertyPlugged Gets a Radio hardware physical state.
Protected propertyReceiver Gets the message receiver object.
Protected methodCheckAvailable The method checks that a Bluetooth driver and a hardware is available.
Public methodCreateComPort Creates new virtual COM port.
Public methodDestroyComPort Destroys the virtual COM port.
Public methodDiscover Starts discovering for a remote Bluetooth enabled devices.
Protected methodDoAuthenticationCompleted Fires the OnAuthenticationCompleted event.
Protected methodDoConfirm Fires the OnConfirm event.
Protected methodDoDeviceFound Fires the OnDeviceFound event.
Protected methodDoDiscoveringCompleted Fires the OnDiscoveringCompleted event.
Protected methodDoDiscoveringStarted Fires the OnDiscoveringStarted event.
Protected methodDoIoCapabilityRequest Fires the OnIoCapabilityRequest event.
Protected methodDoNumericComparison Fires the OnNumericComparison event.
Protected methodDoOobDataRequest Fires the OnOobDataRequest event.
Protected methodDoPasskeyNotification Fores the OnPasskeyNotification event.
Protected methodDoPasskeyRequest Fires the OnPasskeyRequest event.
Protected methodDoPinRequest Fires the OnPinRequest event.
Protected methodDoProtectionLevelRequest Fires the OnProtectionLevelRequest event.
Protected methodDoStatusChanged Fires the OnStatusChanged event.
Public methodEnumComPorts Enumerates already installed Bluetooth virtual COM ports.
Public methodEnumConnectedDevices The method enumerates connected devices.
Public methodEnumInstalledServices Enumerates services installed for specified Bluetooth device.
Public methodEnumPairedDevices(Int64) The method enumerates already paired devices.
Public methodEnumPairedDevices(wclBluetoothDiscoverKind, Int64) The method enumerates already paired devices.
Public methodEnumRemoteServices Reads the available services from a remote Bluetooth device.
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalize Frees the radio object
(Overrides ObjectFinalize)
Public methodGetAddress Reads the local Bluetooth Radio MAC address.
Public methodGetCod Reads the local Bluetooth Radio Class Of Device (COD).
Public methodGetConnectable Read the local Bluetooth Radio connectable state.
Public methodGetDiscoverable Read the local Bluetooth Radio discoverable state.
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHciVersion Reads the HCI version of the local Radio module.
Public methodGetLmpVersion Reads the LMP version of the local Radio module.
Public methodGetManufacturer Reads the Bluetooth Radio manufacturer ID.
Public methodGetName Reads the local Radio name.
Public methodGetRemoteAddressType Reads a remote device address type.
Public methodGetRemoteCod Reads a remote device COD (Class Of Device).
Public methodGetRemoteConnectedStatus The function checks if the specified remote device is currently connected.
Public methodGetRemoteDeviceType Read a remote Bluetooth device type.
Public methodGetRemoteName Queries a remote device's name.
Public methodGetRemotePaired Reads a remote Bluetooth device paired status.
Public methodGetRemoteRssi Reads RSSI value from a remote device.
Public methodGetSimplePairingMode Gets the radio Secure Simple Pairing mode.
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodHalClearFunctions Implements a driver-dependent code for API functions clearing.
Protected methodHalClearGlobalInstance Implements a driver-dependent code for clearing the global instance of the Radio object.
Protected methodHalConfirmReply Implements a hardware-dependent code to reply on a confirm only pairing request.
Protected methodHalCreateComPort Creates new virtual COM port.
Protected methodHalCreateConnection Creates a hardware-dependent connection object based on connection type.
Protected methodHalDestroyComPort Destroys the virtual COM port.
Protected methodHalDiscoverBle Implements a hardware-dependent code to start discovering for a remote Low Energy Bluetooth devices.
Protected methodHalDiscoverClassic Implements a hardware-dependent code to start discovering for a remote Classic Bluetooth devices.
Protected methodHalEnumComPorts Enumerates already installed Bluetooth virtual COM ports.
Protected methodHalEnumConnectedDevices Implements a hardware-dependent code for connected devices enumerating.
Protected methodHalEnumInstalledServices Enumerates services installed for specified Bluetooth device.
Protected methodHalEnumPairedDevices Implements a hardware-dependent code for paired devices enumerating.
Protected methodHalEnumRemoteServices Implements a hardware-dependent code for reading the available services from a remote Bluetooth device.
Protected methodHalGetAddress Implements a hardware-dependent code for Local Bluetooth Radio module MAC address reading.
Protected methodHalGetApi Returns a Bluetooth API supported by the Radio object.
Protected methodHalGetApiName Returns a supported Bluetooth API name.
Protected methodHalGetAvailable Implements a hardware-dependent code to check a Bluetooth hardware state.
Protected methodHalGetCod Implements a hardware-dependent code for Local Bluetooth Radio module Class Of Device (COD) reading.
Protected methodHalGetConnectable Implements a hardware-dependent code for reading the local Bluetooth Radio connectable state.
Protected methodHalGetDiscoverable Implements a hardware-dependent code to read the local Bluetooth Radio discoverable state.
Protected methodHalGetFunctions Implements a driver-dependent code for getting API functions pointers.
Protected methodHalGetHciVersion Implements a hardware-dependent code to reads the HCI version of the local Radio module.
Protected methodHalGetLmpVersion Implements a hardware-dependent code to reading the LMP version of the local Radio module.
Protected methodHalGetManufacturer Implements a hardware-dependent code to read the Bluetooth Radio manufacturer ID.
Protected methodHalGetName Implements a hardware-dependent code for reading the local Radio name.
Protected methodHalGetPlugged Implements a hardware-dependent code to check a Bluetooth hardware physical state.
Protected methodHalGetRemoteAddressType Implements a hardware-dependent code for reading a remote device address type.
Protected methodHalGetRemoteCod Implements a hardware-dependent code for reading a remote device COD (Class Of Device).
Protected methodHalGetRemoteConnectedStatus The function checks if the specified remote device is currently connected.
Protected methodHalGetRemoteDeviceType Implements a hardware-dependent code to reading a remote Bluetooth device type.
Protected methodHalGetRemoteName Implements a hardware-dependent code for querying a remote device's name.
Protected methodHalGetRemotePaired Implements a hardware-dependent code for reading a remote Bluetooth device paired status.
Protected methodHalGetRemoteRssi Reads RSSI value from a remote device.
Protected methodHalGetSimplePairingMode Implements a hardware-dependent code that reads a radio Secure Simple Pairing mode.
Protected methodHalInitialize Implements a driver-dependent code for API initialization.
Protected methodHalInstallDevice Install drivers for specified Bluetooth device.
Protected methodHalIoCapabilityReply Implements a hardware-dependent code to reply on an IO capability request.
Protected methodHalIsRemoteDeviceInRange Implements a hardware-dependent code to check if a remote device is in range.
Protected methodHalLoadApi Implements a driver-dependent code for loading API DLLs.
Protected methodHalNumericComparisonReply Implements a hardware-dependent code to reply on a numeric comparison request.
Protected methodHalOobDataReply Implements a hardware-dependent code to reply on a Out Of Band pairing request.
Protected methodHalPasskeyReply Implements a hardware-dependent code to reply for a passkey request event.
Protected methodHalPinReply Implements a hardware-dependent code to reply for a PIN request event.
Protected methodHalProtectionLevelReply Implements a hardware-dependent code to reply for a pairing protection level request event.
Protected methodHalRegisterCallbacks Implements a driver-dependent code for callback registration.
Protected methodHalRemoteDisconnect Implements a hardware-dependent code to disconnect a remote device.
Protected methodHalRemotePair Implements a hardware-dependent code for pairing with a remote Bluetooth device.
Protected methodHalRemoteUnpair Implements a hardware-dependent code to unpair a remote Bluetooth device.
Protected methodHalSetCod Implements a hardware-dependent code to changing the local Bluetooth Radio Class Of Device (COD).
Protected methodHalSetConnectable Implements a hardware-dependent code to changing the connectable state of the local Bluetooth Radio.
Protected methodHalSetDiscoverable Implements a hardware-dependent code for changing the discoverable state of the local Bluetooth Radio.
Protected methodHalSetGlobalInstance Implements a driver-dependent code for setting the Radio object global instance variable.
Protected methodHalSetName Implements a hardware-dependent code for changing the local Bluetooth Radio module name.
Protected methodHalSetSimplePairingMode Implements a hardware-dependent code that writes a radio Secure Simple Pairing mode.
Protected methodHalTerminate Implements a hardware-dependent code for discovering termination.
Protected methodHalTerminateOperations Implements a driver-dependent code for pending operation termination.
Protected methodHalTurnOff The method turns the local Bluetooth radio OFF.
Protected methodHalTurnOn The method turns the local Bluetooth radio ON.
Protected methodHalUninitialize Implements a driver-dependent code for driver initialization.
Protected methodHalUninstallDevice Uninstall drivers for specified Bluetooth device.
Protected methodHalUnloadApi Implements a driver-dependent code for API unloading.
Protected methodHalUnregisterCallbacks Implements a driver-dependent code for callbacks unregistering.
Public methodInstallDevice Install drivers for specified Bluetooth device.
Public methodIsRemoteDeviceInRange Checks if a remote device is in range.
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMessageReceived The method called when a new notification message received.
Public methodRemoteDisconnect Forces a remote device disconnection.
Public methodRemotePair Starts pairing with a remote Bluetooth device.
Public methodRemoteUnpair Unpair a remote Bluetooth device.
Public methodSetCod Changes the local Bluetooth Radio Class Of Device (COD).
Public methodSetConnectable Changes the connectable state of the local Bluetooth Radio.
Public methodSetDiscoverable Changes the discoverable state of the local Bluetooth Radio.
Public methodSetName Sets a new name for the local Bluetooth Radio module.
Public methodSetSimplePairingMode Sets the radio Secure Simple Pairing mode.
Public methodTerminate Terminates the discovering of remote Bluetooth enabled devices.
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodTurnOff The method turns the local Bluetooth radio OFF.
Public methodTurnOn The method turns the local Bluetooth radio ON.
Public methodUninstallDevice Uninstall drivers for specified Bluetooth device.

An application must never create or destroy this class directly. Instead of that an application must use methods of the wclBluetoothManager component.

The class is thread safe.

The only single instance of the class for each supported Bluetooth driver can be created.

See Also