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wclBluetoothLeAltBeaconFrameEvent Delegate

The OnAltBeaconFrame event handler prototype.

Namespace: wclBluetooth
Assembly: wclBluetoothFramework (in wclBluetoothFramework.dll) Version: (
public delegate void wclBluetoothLeAltBeaconFrameEvent(
	Object Sender,
	long Address,
	long Timestamp,
	sbyte Rssi,
	ushort CompanyId,
	ushort Major,
	ushort Minor,
	Guid Uuid,
	sbyte TxRssi,
	byte Reserved,
	byte[] Data


Sender  Object
The object initiates the event.
Address  Int64
The Bluetooth LE advertiser's MAC address.
Timestamp  Int64
The frame's timestamp in Universal Time format.
Rssi  SByte
The measured RSSI value in dBm at range between -100 dBm and +20 dBm at 1 dBm resolution.
CompanyId  UInt16
The beacon's manufacturer ID as defined in the Bluetooth SIG Assigned Numbers.
Major  UInt16
The beacon's Major value.
Minor  UInt16
The beacon's Minor value.
Uuid  Guid
The beacon's UUID.
TxRssi  SByte
The beacon's RSSI value in dBm at range between -100 dBm and +20 dBm at 1 dBm resolution measured at 1 meter distance.
Reserved  Byte
A 1-byte value from 0x00 to 0xFF. Interpretation of this value is to be defined by the manufacturer and is to be evaluated based on the CompanyId value.
Data  Byte
The additional frame data.
See Also