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wclBluetoothLeAdvertisementType Enumeration

Types of the Bluetooth LE advertisement packet.

Namespace: wclBluetooth
Assembly: wclBluetoothFramework (in wclBluetoothFramework.dll) Version: (
public enum wclBluetoothLeAdvertisementType
Member nameValueDescription

The advertisement is undirected and indicates that the device is connectable and scannable. This advertisement type can carry data.

This corresponds with the ADV_IND type defined in the Bluetooth LE specifications.


The advertisement is directed and indicates that the device is connectable but not scannable. This advertisement type cannot carry data.

This corresponds with the ADV_DIRECT_IND type defined in the Bluetooth LE specifications.


The advertisement is undirected and indicates that the device is scannable but not connectable. This advertisement type can carry data.

This corresponds with the ADV_SCAN_IND type defined in the Bluetooth LE specifications.


The advertisement is undirected and indicates that the device is not connectable nor scannable. This advertisement type can carry data.

This corresponds with the ADV_NONCONN_IND type defined in the Bluetooth LE specifications.


This advertisement is a scan response to a scan request issued for a scannable advertisement. This advertisement type can carry data.

This corresponds with the SCAN_RSP type defined in the Bluetooth LE specifications.

atExtended5 This advertisement is a 5.0 extended advertisement. This advertisement type may have different properties, and is not necessarily directed, connected, scannable, nor a scan response.
atUnknown6 Unknown advertisement packet type.
See Also