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wclBluetoothLeBeaconWatcherConnectionDoEddystoneUidFrame Method

Fires the OnEddystoneUidFrame event.

Namespace: wclBluetooth
Assembly: wclBluetoothFramework (in wclBluetoothFramework.dll) Version: (
protected virtual void DoEddystoneUidFrame(
	long Address,
	long Timestamp,
	sbyte Rssi,
	sbyte TxRssi,
	Guid Uuid,
	byte[] Data


Address  Int64
The Bluetooth LE advertiser's MAC address.
Timestamp  Int64
The frame's timestamp in Universal Time format.
Rssi  SByte
The measured RSSI value in dBm at range between -100 dBm and +20 dBm at 1 dBm resolution.
TxRssi  SByte
The beacon's RSSI value in dBm at range between -100 dBm and +20 dBm at 1 dBm resolution measured at 0 meter distance.
Uuid  Guid
The Eddystone ID: 10 bytes - Namespace ID and 6 bytes - Instance ID.
Data  Byte
The additional frame data.
See Also