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wclBluetoothLeBeaconWatcherConnectionDoEddystoneTlmFrame Method

Fires the OnEddystoneTlmFrame event.

Namespace: wclBluetooth
Assembly: wclBluetoothFramework (in wclBluetoothFramework.dll) Version: (
protected virtual void DoEddystoneTlmFrame(
	long Address,
	long Timestamp,
	sbyte Rssi,
	uint AdvCnt,
	ushort Batt,
	uint SecCnt,
	double Temp,
	byte[] Data


Address  Int64
The Bluetooth LE advertiser's MAC address.
Timestamp  Int64
The frame's timestamp in Universal Time format.
Rssi  SByte
The measured RSSI value in dBm at range between -100 dBm and +20 dBm at 1 dBm resolution.
AdvCnt  UInt32
The running count of advertisement frames of all types emitted by the beacon since power-up or reboot, useful for monitoring performance metrics that scale per broadcast frame. If this value is reset (e.g. on reboot), the current time field is also reset.
Batt  UInt16
The current battery charge in millivolts, expressed as 1 mV per bit. If not supported (for example in a USB-powered beacon) the value should be zeroed.
SecCnt  UInt32
The 0.1 second resolution counter that represents time since beacon power-up or reboot. If this value is reset (e.g. on a reboot), the AdvCnt count field is also reset.
Temp  Double
The beacon temperature in degrees Celsius sensed by the beacon. If not supported the value is -128 °C.
Data  Byte
The additional frame data.
See Also