WiFi Framework C++ Edition
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CwclWiFiInterface Class Reference

The CwclWiFiInterface class represents the WLAN interface and allows an application to control the Wireless LAN interface. More...

#include <wclWiFi.h>

Public Member Functions

 CwclWiFiInterface (const GUID &Id)
 Creates a new CwclWiFiInterface object.
virtual ~CwclWiFiInterface ()
 Frees the CwclWiFiInterface object.
int Close ()
 Closes the WLAN interface and releases allocated WLAN resources.
int Open ()
 Opens the WLAN interface and allocates the WLAN resources.
int GetAuthCipherPairs (const bool AdHoc, wclWiFiAuthCipherPairs &Pairs) const
 Reads the supported authentication and cipher pairs.
int GetAutoConfState (bool &Enabled) const
 Reads the interface's auto configuration setting.
int GetBackgroundScanState (bool &Enabled) const
 Reads the interface's background scan setting.
int GetBssType (wclWiFiBssType &BssType) const
 Reads the interface's BSS type.
int GetCapability (wclWiFiInterfaceCapability &Capability) const
 Reads the interface's capabilities.
int GetCertifiedSafeMode (bool &Supported) const
 Reads the interface's certified safe mode support.
int GetChannel (unsigned long &Channel) const
 Reads the interface's channel number.
int GetConnectionAttributes (wclWiFiConnectionAttributes &Attributes) const
 Read the interface's connection attributes.
int GetCountyOrRegions (wclWiFiCountryOrRegions &List) const
 Reads the WiFi interface supported Countries or Regions list.
int GetHostedNetworkCapable (bool &Supported) const
 Reads the WiFi Hosted Network capability of the interface.
int GetManagementFrameProtectionCapable (bool &Supported) const
 Reads the WiFi Management Frame Protection capability of the interface.
int GetMediaStreaming (bool &Enabled) const
 Reads the interface's media streaming setting.
int GetOperationMode (wclWiFiOperationMode &Mode) const
 Reads the interface's current operation mode.
int GetRadioState (wclWiFiPhyRadioStates &States) const
 Reads the interface's radio states for each supported PHY.
int GetRssi (int &Rssi) const
 Reads the RSSI value.
int GetSafeMode (bool &Supported) const
 Reads the interface's safe mode support.
int GetSecondarySta (bool &Enabled) const
 Querying dual-STA synchronized connections state.
int GetState (wclWiFiInterfaceState &State) const
 Reads the interface's state.
int SetAutoConfState (const bool Enable)
 Sets the interface's auto configuration setting.
int SetBackgroundScanState (const bool Enable)
 Sets the interface's background scan setting.
int SetBssType (const wclWiFiBssType BssType)
 Sets the interface's BSS type.
int SetMediaStreaming (const bool Enable)
 Sets the interface's media streaming setting.
int SetOperationMode (const wclWiFiOperationMode Mode)
 Sets the interface's operation mode.
int SetRadioState (const wclWiFiPhyRadioState &State)
 Sets the software radio state of a specific physical layer (PHY) for the interface.
int SetSecondarySta (const bool Enable)
 Enables or disables secondary STA on the given interface.
int GetCurrentIp (bool &Static, tstring &Address, tstring &Mask, tstring &Gateway, tstring &Dns1, tstring &Dns2) const
 Gets the current IP address of the interface.
int GetIpSettings (bool &Static, tstring &Address, tstring &Mask, tstring &Gateway, tstring &Dns1, tstring &Dns2) const
 Gets current IP settings.
int SetStaticIp (const tstring &Address, const tstring &Mask, const tstring &Gateway, const tstring &Dns1, const tstring &Dns2)
 Sets current IP settings as static IP configuration.
int EnableDhcp ()
 Enables DHCP configuration for the interface.
int TurnOff ()
 Turns a WiFi Interface off.
int TurnOn ()
 Turns a WiFi Interface on.
int EnumInterfaces (wclWiFiInterfaces &Ifaces)
 Enumerate secondary interfaces of the current WLAN adapter.
bool GetActive () const
 Gets the interface active state.
 __declspec (property(get=GetActive)) bool Active
 Gets the interface active state.
GUID GetId () const
 Gets the WLAN interface's ID.
 __declspec (property(get=GetId)) GUID Id
 Gets the WLAN interface's ID.

Static Public Member Functions

static wclWiFiBand FrequencyToBand (const unsigned long Frequency)
 The method converts the given frequency to the WLAN band.
static unsigned char FrequencyToChannel (const unsigned long Frequency)
 The method converts given central frequency to the WLAN channel number.

Detailed Description

The CwclWiFiInterface class represents the WLAN interface and allows an application to control the Wireless LAN interface.