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wclWiiRemoteHidClientConnection Methods

The wclWiiRemoteHidClientConnection type exposes the following members.

Public methodConnect(UInt32) Connects to a remote device.
(Inherited from wclClientConnection)
Public methodConnect(Int64, UInt32) Connects to a remote device.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Public methodDisableAccel Disables accelerometer.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Public methodDisconnect Disconnects from the connected remote device.
(Inherited from wclClientConnection)
Protected methodDoAccelChanged Fire the OnAccelChanged event.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Protected methodDoBalanceBoardChanged Fires the OnBalanceBoardChanged event
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Protected methodDoButtonsChanged Fires the OnButtonsChanged event.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Protected methodDoClassicControllerChanged Fires the OnClassicControllerChanged event.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Protected methodDoConnect Fires the OnConnect event.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Protected methodDoDisconnect Fires the OnDisconnect event.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Protected methodDoDrumsChanged Fires the OnDrumsChanged event.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Protected methodDoExtensionAttached Fires the OnExtensionAttached event.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Protected methodDoExtensionDetached Fires the OnExtensionDetached event.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Protected methodDoGuitarChanged Fires the OnGuitarChanged event.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Protected methodDoIrChanged Fires the OnIrChanged event.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Protected methodDoNunchukChanged Fires the OnNunchukChanged event.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Protected methodDoStatusChanged Fires the OnStatusChanged event.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Public methodEnableAccel Enables accelerometer.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Protected methodEnter Enters the connection's critical section.
(Inherited from wclCustomConnection)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalize Frees the connection.
(Inherited from wclClientConnection)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetStatus Requests the Wii Remote status.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodHalCommunicate Communicates with the Wii Remote as with HID device.
(Overrides wclClientConnectionHalCommunicate(IntPtr))
Protected methodHalConnect Connects to the Wii Remote as to HID device.
(Overrides wclWiiRemoteClientConnectionHalConnect(IntPtr))
Protected methodHalDisconnect Disconnects from the Wii Remote as from HID device.
(Overrides wclWiiRemoteClientConnectionHalDisconnect)
Protected methodHalWrite Sends data to the Wii Remote as to HID device.
(Overrides wclWiiRemoteClientConnectionHalWrite(Byte))
Protected methodInternalDisconnect The internal disconnect method. Disconnects from a connected remote device.
(Inherited from wclClientConnection)
Protected methodLeave Exists *leaves) the connection's critical section.
(Inherited from wclCustomConnection)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMessageReceived The method called when a new notification message received.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Protected methodNotifyClosed Send a Disconnect notification message.
(Inherited from wclClientConnection)
Protected methodProcessReport The function parses the received report.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Public methodSetIrSensitivity Sets IR IR sensor sensitivity (and turns it ON or OFF).
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Public methodSetLeds(wclWiiRemoteLeds) Changes the Wii Remote LEDs state.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Public methodSetLeds(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) Changes the Wii Remote LEDs state.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Public methodSetRumble Turns the Rumble On and Off.
(Inherited from wclWiiRemoteClientConnection)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
See Also