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wclRfCommServerClientConnection Methods

The wclRfCommServerClientConnection type exposes the following members.

Public methodDisconnect Disconnects from the connected remote device.
(Inherited from wclServerClientConnection)
Protected methodDoConnect Fires the OnConnect event.
(Inherited from wclServerClientConnection)
Protected methodDoData Fires the OnData event.
(Inherited from wclServerClientDataConnection)
Protected methodDoDisconnect Fires the OnDisconnect event.
(Inherited from wclServerClientConnection)
Protected methodEnter Enters the connection's critical section.
(Inherited from wclCustomConnection)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalize Frees the connection.
(Inherited from wclServerClientConnection)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetReadBufferSize Reads the read buffer size.
(Inherited from wclServerClientDataConnection)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetWriteBufferSize Reads the write buffer size.
(Inherited from wclServerClientDataConnection)
Protected methodHalAccept Hardware-dependent method that prepares to communicate with a connected remote client device.
(Inherited from wclServerClientConnection)
Protected methodHalCommunicate Implements a hardware-dependent code that communicate with the connected remote device.
(Inherited from wclServerClientConnection)
Protected methodHalDisconnect Implements a hardware-dependent code that disconnects from the connected remote device.
(Inherited from wclServerClientConnection)
Protected methodHalGetReadBufferSize Reads the read buffer size.
(Inherited from wclServerClientDataConnection)
Protected methodHalGetWriteBufferSize Reads the write buffer size.
(Inherited from wclServerClientDataConnection)
Protected methodHalSetReadBufferSize Sets the read buffer size.
(Inherited from wclServerClientDataConnection)
Protected methodHalSetWriteBufferSize Sets the write buffer size.
(Inherited from wclServerClientDataConnection)
Protected methodHalWrite Implements a hardware-dependent code that sends data to the connected device.
(Inherited from wclServerClientDataConnection)
Protected methodLeave Exists *leaves) the connection's critical section.
(Inherited from wclCustomConnection)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMessageReceived The message receiver calls this method when a new notification message has been received.
(Inherited from wclServerClientDataConnection)
Protected methodNotifyClosed Send a Disconnect notification message.
(Inherited from wclServerClientConnection)
Protected methodNotifyDataReceived Send a data notification message.
(Inherited from wclServerClientDataConnection)
Protected methodSetAddress Sets the connected device MAC address.
Public methodSetReadBufferSize Sets the read buffer size.
(Inherited from wclServerClientDataConnection)
Public methodSetWriteBufferSize Sets the write buffer size.
(Inherited from wclServerClientDataConnection)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodWrite Sends data to the connected device.
(Inherited from wclServerClientDataConnection)
See Also