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wclBleSnifferDoScanReqReceived Method

Fires the OnScanReqReceived event.

Namespace: wclBluetooth
Assembly: wclBluetoothFramework (in wclBluetoothFramework.dll) Version: (
protected virtual void DoScanReqReceived(
	wclBluetoothLeAdvertisingPduHeader PduHeader,
	long ScanA,
	long AdvA


PduHeader  wclBluetoothLeAdvertisingPduHeader
The PDU header.
ScanA  Int64
The scanner's address.
AdvA  Int64
The address of the device to which this PDU is addressed.
The TxAdd field of the PduHeader parameter indicates whether the scanner’s address in the ScanA parameter is public (TxAdd = False) or random (TxAdd = True). The RxAdd field of the PduHeader parameter indicates whether the target’s address in the AdvA parameter is public (RxAdd = False) or random (RxAdd = True).
See Also