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wclGattServer Events

The wclGattServer type exposes the following members.

Public eventOnClientConnected The event fires when a client connected to the server.
Public eventOnClientDisconnected The event fires when a client disconnected from the server.
Public eventOnConnectionParamsChanged The event fires when the connection parameters changed.
Public eventOnConnectionPhyChanged The event fires when the connection PHY changed.
Public eventOnMaxPduSizeChanged The event fires when maximum PDU size changed for the connected client.
Public eventOnNotificationSizeChanged The event fires when a maximum notification size of a subscribed client has been changed.
Public eventOnRead The event fires when a remote GATT client requests characteristic's data read.
Public eventOnStarted The event fires when the Bluetooth LE GATT Server has been successfully started.
Public eventOnStopped The event fires when the Bluetooth LE GATT Server has been stopped.
Public eventOnSubscribed The event fires when a remote GATT client subscribes to the characteristic changes notifications or indications.
Public eventOnUnsubscribed The event fires when a remote GATT client unsubscribes from the characteristic changes notifications or indications.
Public eventOnWrite The event fires when a remote device writes data to the characteristic.
See Also