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wclBluetoothManager Events

The wclBluetoothManager type exposes the following members.

Public eventAfterOpen The event fires after the Bluetooth Manager has been successfully opened.
Public eventBeforeClose The event fires before the Bluetooth Manager will be closed.
Public eventOnAuthenticationCompleted The event fires when authentication (pairing) with a remote Bluetooth device has completed.
Public eventOnClosed The event fires when the Bluetooth Manager has completely been closed.
Public eventOnConfirm The event fires when a remote Bluetooth device requires a pairing confirmation.
Public eventOnDeviceFound The event fires when a new remote Bluetooth device found during discovering.
Public eventOnDiscoveringCompleted The event fires when discovering for remote Bluetooth devices has been completed.
Public eventOnDiscoveringStarted The event fires when discovering for remote Bluetooth devices has been started.
Public eventOnIoCapabilityRequest The event fires when a remote device requests an IO capability of the local Bluetooth device.
Public eventOnNumericComparison The event fires when a remote Bluetooth device requires a numeric comparison pairing.
Public eventOnOobDataRequest The event fires when a remote device requests an Out Of Band pairing data.
Public eventOnPasskeyNotification The event fires when a remote Bluetooth device notifies an application about its passkey.
Public eventOnPasskeyRequest The event fires when a remote Bluetooth device requires a passkey for pairing.
Public eventOnPinRequest The event fires when a remote Bluetooth device requires a legacy PIN pairing.
Public eventOnProtectionLevelRequest The event fires during BLE pairing to request required pairing protection level.
Public eventOnStatusChanged The event fires when a status of a Bluetooth hardware or driver has been changed.
See Also