WiFi Framework C++ Edition

◆ __declspec() [8/9]

__declspec ( property(get=GetPassphrase, put=SetPassphrase )

Gets and sets the pass phrase for Legacy mode.

A pass phrase used by non-WiFi Direct clients to connect to this access point in "legacy mode".

This property is used only if Legacy mode set to True. If the Legacy is False the value of the property will not be used.

If the Advertiser is not running setting the property changes it current value. Reading the property returns its current value.

If the Advertiser is running settings the property does nothing and new value will be ignored. If the Legacy is True reading the property returns its current value used by the Advertiser. If the value of the property was an empty string reading from the property returns auto generated random pass phrase used by the Advertiser. If the Legacy is False reading returns an empty string.