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wclErrors Class

The static class contains all the WCL error codes.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: wclCommon
Assembly: wclCommon (in wclCommon.dll) Version: (
public static class wclErrors

The wclErrors type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_BASE The base error code for the WCL system/common errors.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_CFGMGR_BASE The base error code for Configuration Manager error codes.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_CFGMGR_LOAD_FAILED Unable to load Configuration Manager API.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_INVALID_ARGUMENT One or more arguments passed into the method or function are invalid.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MB_BASE The base error code for the message broadcaster.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MB_CAN_NOT_INIT_HW_THREAD The message broadcaster can not initialize the hardware monitoring thread.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MB_CAN_NOT_START_HW_THREAD The message broadcaster can not start the hardware monitoring thread.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MB_INVALID_SYNC_METHOD Invalid or unknown synchronization method.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MB_NOT_CREATED The message broadcaster was not created.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MB_RECEIVER_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED A message receiver has already been subscribed.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MB_RECEIVER_NOT_SUBSCRIBED A message receiver has not been subscribed.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MB_REF_COUNT_ERROR There is the error with the references counter.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MB_RUNNING The messaging subsystem is already running.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MB_UNABLE_CREATE_HW_OBJ The message broadcaster can not create the hardware monitoring object.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MB_UNABLE_CREATE_MUTEX The message broadcaster can not create a mutex synchronization object.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MB_UNABLE_REGISTER_HW_NOTIFY The message broadcaster can not register for hardware changes notifications.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MB_WAIT_FAILED Wait operation failed.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MB_WAIT_TIMEOUT A timeout appeared during wait operation.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MR_BASE The base error code for the message receiver.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MR_CLOSED A message receiver has already been closed or not opened.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MR_NOT_OPENED A message receiver was not opened yet.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MR_OPENED A message receiver has already been opened.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MR_SYNC_OBJ_NOT_CREATED A thread synchronization object has not been created.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MR_UNABLE_CREATE_SYNC_OBJ A message receiver can not create a thread synchronization object.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MR_UNABLE_REGISTER_SYNC_OBJ A message receiver can not register for threads synchronization.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_MR_UNABLE_SYNCHRONIZE A message receiver can not synchronize threads and notify a "main" thread about new received message.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of system memory.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_PEM_BASE The base error code for Power Events monitor error codes.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_PEM_CLOSED The power events monitor is already closed.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_PEM_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED The power state monitoring feature is supported on Windows 8 and above.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_PEM_OPENED The power events monitor is already opened.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_SUCCESS Operation completed with success.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_THREAD_BASE The base error code for all WCL thread errors.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_THREAD_INITIALIZATION_FAILED Thread user initialization failed.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_THREAD_INVALID_SYNCHRONIZATION The synchronization method is not supported by the wclThread class.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_THREAD_MESSAGE_REGISTRATION_FAILED Unable to register thread message.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_THREAD_NOT_RUNNING The thread is not running.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_THREAD_RUNNING The thread is already running.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_THREAD_UNABLE_CREATE_THREAD Unable to create thread.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_THREAD_UNABLE_CREATE_THREAD_INIT_EVENT Unable to create thread initialization event.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_THREAD_UNABLE_CREATE_THREAD_SYNC_EVENT Unable to create thread synchronization event.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_THREAD_UNABLE_CREATE_THREAD_TERM_EVENT Unable to create thread termination event.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_THREAD_WINDOW_CREATION_FAILED Unable to create thread window.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINRT_ASYNC_OPERATION_CANCELLED An asynchronous operation canceled.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINRT_ASYNC_OPERATION_ERROR An asynchronous operation completed with error.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINRT_ASYNC_OPERATION_FAILED Failed to read asynchronous operation status.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINRT_BASE The base WinRT subsystem error code.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINRT_DETACH_BUFFER_FAILED Unable to detach raw buffer.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINRT_INIT_FAILED WinRT initialization failed.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINRT_UNABLE_ACTIVATE_INSTANCE Unable to active instance of the required class.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINRT_UNABLE_CREATE_INTERFACE Unable to create interface of the required class.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINRT_UNABLE_CREATE_MUTEX Unable to create synchronization mutex for WinRT control.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINRT_UNABLE_CREATE_STRING Unable to create string.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINRT_UNABLE_LOAD_CORE_DLL unable to load WinRT core DLL.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINRT_UNABLE_LOAD_STRING_DLL unable to load WinRT string DLL.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINUSB_BASE The base error code for all WinUSB subsystem errors.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINUSB_CONTROL_TRANSFER_FAILED Control transfer failed.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINUSB_DEVICE_CLOSED A WinUSB device is closed.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINUSB_DEVICE_NOT_OPENED A WinUSB device is not opened.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINUSB_DEVICE_OPENED A WinUSB device is already opened.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINUSB_INIT_DEVICE_FAILED Initialize WinUSB device failed.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINUSB_NOT_LOADED WinUSB subsystem was not loaded.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINUSB_OPEN_DEVICE_FAILED Unable to open specified WinUSB device.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINUSB_READ_PIPE_FAILED Read data from pipe (endpoint) failed.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINUSB_UNABLE_CREATE_MUTEX Unable create WinSUB subsystem synchronization mutex.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINUSB_UNABLE_LOAD WinUSB subsystem is not available on your system.
Public fieldStatic memberWCL_E_WINUSB_UNEXPECTED Unknown or unexpected WinUSB error.
See Also