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wclHelpersGetErrorInfo(String, Int32, String, String, String, String) Method

Reads the error information.

Namespace: wclCommon
Assembly: wclCommon (in wclCommon.dll) Version: (
public static bool GetErrorInfo(
	string FileName,
	int Error,
	out string Framework,
	out string Category,
	out string Constant,
	out string Description


FileName  String
The full file path to the error.xml file.
Error  Int32
The WCL error code.
Framework  String
If the function completed with success on output contains the WCL Framework name that the error relates to.
Category  String
If the function completed with success on output contains the error category.
Constant  String
If the function completed with success on output contains the error constant name.
Description  String
If the function completed with success on output contains the error description.

Return Value

If the function completed with success the returning value is true. Otherwise the function returns false.
See Also