Bluetooth Framework C++ Edition

◆ MessageReceived()

virtual void MessageReceived ( const CwclMessage *const  Message)

The message receiver calls this method when a new notification message has been received.

MessageA CwclMessage object represents the notification message.

This method is for internal use only.

If a derived class overrides this method it must always call the inherited implementation first.

See also

Reimplemented in CwclGattServerConnection, CwclRfCommClientConnection, CwclRfCommServerConnection, CwclGattClientConnection, CwclBluetoothLeBeaconWatcherConnection, CwclBluetoothLeAdvertiserConnection, CwclWiiRemoteClientConnection, CwclClientConnection, CwclClientDataConnection, CwclServerClientConnection, CwclServerConnection, and CwclServerClientDataConnection.