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wclServerDataConnection Class

The base class for the server connection that requires data exchange with a remote device.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: wclCommunication
Assembly: wclCommunication (in wclCommunication.dll) Version: (
public abstract class wclServerDataConnection : wclServerConnection

The wclServerDataConnection type exposes the following members.

Public methodwclServerDataConnection Creates a new client data connection.
Public propertyClientsCount Gets the number of connected clients.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Public propertyItem Gets a connected client by its index.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Public propertyReceiver Gets the connection message receiver object.
(Inherited from wclCustomConnection)
Public propertyState Gets the connection state.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Public propertyThreadId Gets the connection's thread ID.
(Inherited from wclCustomConnection)
Public methodClose The method disconnects all connected clients and closes the server.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Protected methodCreateNewClientConnection Sends a notification to the main thread to create and init new client connection.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Protected methodDoClosed Fires the OnClosed event.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Protected methodDoConnect Fires the OnConnect event.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Protected methodDoData Fires the OnData event.
Protected methodDoDisconnect Fires the OnDisconnect event.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Protected methodDoListen Fires the OnListen event.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Protected methodEnter Enters the connection's critical section.
(Inherited from wclCustomConnection)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalize Frees the server connection.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodHalClose Implements a hardware-dependent method to stop listening.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Protected methodHalCreateClient The method creates a hardware and transport-dependent client connection.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Protected methodHalListen Implements a hardware-dependent method for listening the client connections.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Protected methodHalPrepare Implements a hardware-dependent code that prepares for listening.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Protected methodInternalClose Closes the server.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Protected methodLeave Exists *leaves) the connection's critical section.
(Inherited from wclCustomConnection)
Public methodListen The method starts listening for client connections.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMessageReceived The message receiver calls this method when a new notification message has been received.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Protected methodSetClientEvents The method sets the client's event handlers.
(Overrides wclServerConnectionSetClientEvents(wclServerClientConnection))
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public eventOnClosed The event fires when the server is closed.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Public eventOnConnect The event fires when a remote client is connected to the server.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Public eventOnData The event fires when new data is received from the connected remote device.
Public eventOnDisconnect The event fires when a remote client has disconnected from the server.
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
Public eventOnListen The event fires when the server is ready to accept incoming connections (is in listening state).
(Inherited from wclServerConnection)
See Also