TwclWiFiProfilesManager.SetProfileUserData(TGUID,string,Cardinal,PByte) Method

Sets the custom user data associated with a profile.

Namespace: wclWiFi
 function SetProfileUserData(const IfaceId: TGUID; const ProfileName: string;
 const DataSize: Cardinal; const Data: PByte): Integer;



The ID of the interface.

Type: string

The name of the profile associated with the custom user data. Profile names are case-sensitive.

Type: Cardinal

The size of Data, in bytes.

Type: PByte

A pointer to the user data to be set.

Return Value

Type: Integer

If the function succeeds, the return value is wclErrors.WCL_E_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value may be one of the WCL return codes.

For every wireless WLAN profile used by the Native Wifi AutoConfig service, Windows maintains the concept of custom user data. This custom user data is initially non-existent, but can be set by calling the SetProfileUserData method. The custom user data gets reset to empty any time the profile is modified by calling the SetProfile method.

Once custom user data has been set, this data can be accessed using the GetProfileUserData method.