TwclWiFiProfilesManager.GetProfileList(TGUID,TwclWiFiProfiles) Method

The method retrieves the list of profiles in preference order.

Namespace: wclWiFi
 function GetProfileList(const IfaceId: TGUID;
 out Profiles: TwclWiFiProfiles): Integer;



The ID of the wireless interface.

Type: TwclWiFiProfiles

A dynamic array that contains the list of profile information. The caller is responsible to free the memory allocated for the dynamic array.

Return Value

Type: Integer

If the function succeeds, the return value is wclErrors.WCL_E_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value may be one of the WCL return codes.

The GetProfileList method returns only the basic information on the wireless profiles on a wireless interface. The list of wireless profiles on a wireless interface are retrieved in the preference order. The SetProfilePosition method can be used to change the preference order for the wireless profiles on a wireless interface.

More detailed information for a wireless profile on a wireless interface can be retrieved by using the GetProfile method. The GetProfileUserData method can be used to retrieve custom user data for a wireless profile on a wireless interface. A list of the wireless interfaces and associated IDs on the local computer can be retrieved using the EnumInterfaces method of the TwclWiFiClient component.