TwclWiFiInterface.GetAuthCipherPairs(Boolean,TwclWiFiAuthCipherPairs) Method

Reads the supported authentication and cipher pairs.

Namespace: wclWiFi
 function GetAuthCipherPairs(const AdHoc: Boolean;
 out Pairs: TwclWiFiAuthCipherPairs): Integer;


Type: Boolean

If this parameter set to True the method returns the pairs for the ad hoc mode. Otherwise the method returns pairs for the infrastructure mode.

Type: TwclWiFiAuthCipherPairs

The method fills this parameter with the array of the supported authentication and cipher pairs. If no pairs were found the Pairs parameter will set to nil.

Return Value

Type: Integer

If the method succeed the return value is wclErrors.WCL_E_SUCCESS. Otherwise the method returns one of the WCL error codes.

The caller is responsible for clear memory allocated for the Pairs dynamic array.