TwclWiFiHostedNetwork.SetPsdIe(string,TwclWiFiScanIeData) Method

Sets the proximity service discovery (PSD) information element (IE) data.

Namespace: wclWiFi
 function SetPsdIe(const Format: string;
 const Data: TwclWiFiScanIeData): Integer;


Type: string

The format of a PSD IE in the PSD IE data. This is a URI string that specifies the namespace of the protocol used for discovery.

Type: TwclWiFiScanIeData

The PSD IE data. The data must not exceed 240 bytes.

Return Value

Type: Integer

If the function succeeds, the return value is wclErrors.WCL_E_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value may be one of the WCL return codes.

To reset PSD IE set the Format parameter to an empty string and the Data parameter to an empty array.

The Proximity Service Discovery Protocol is a Microsoft proprietary protocol that allows a client to discover services in its physical proximity, which is defined by the radio range. The purpose of the Proximity Service Discovery Protocol is to convey service discovery information, such as service advertisements, as part of Beacon frames. Access points (APs) and stations (STAs) that operate in ad hoc mode periodically broadcast beacon frames. The beacon frame can contain single or multiple proprietary information elements that carry discovery information pertaining to the services that the device offers.

A PSD IE is used to transmit compressed information provided by higher-level discovery protocols for the purpose of passive discovery. One such higher-level protocol used for discovery is the WS-Discovery protocol. Any protocol can be used for discovery.