TwclMobileHotspot.IsBandSupported(TwclMobileHotspotBand,Boolean) Method

Checks whether the WiFi Mobile Hotspot supports the specified wireless frequency band.

Namespace: wclWiFi
 function IsBandSupported(const Band: TwclMobileHotspotBand;
 out Supported: Boolean): Integer;


Type: TwclMobileHotspotBand

A TwclMobileHotspotBand constant, specifying the frequency band to query about.

Type: Boolean

If the function completed with success on output contains a Boolean indicates if specified band si supported or not. True if the frequency band is supported, otherwise False.

Return Value

Type: Integer

If the function succeed the return value is wclErrors.WCL_E_SUCCESS. Otherwise the method returns one of the WCL error codes.

For single band WiFi adapter this method may returns False for both bands.

This feature is supported on Windows 10 2004 abd above.