TwclObexOppServerGetRequestEvent Delegate

The OBEX server data processor OnGetRequest event handler prototype.

Namespace: wclObex
 TwclObexOppServerGetRequestEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject;
 const aType: string; out Result: TwclObexServerOperationResult;
 out Stream: TStream) of object;



The object that initiated the event.


The requested OBEX object type.


An application must set this parameter to the operation result code. If an application can send the requested object the Result must be set to orSuccess.


The requested OBEX object's data stream. An application must provide the object's stream only in case if the Result set to orSuccess. In any other case the Stream must be set to nil. The stream object passed to the event must be valid during all Get operation and can be released when the OnGetCompleted event received.