TwclObexFtpClient.Put(string,string,TStream) Method

Sends one object from the client to the server.

Namespace: wclObex
 function Put(const Name: string; const Description: string;
 const Stream: TStream): Integer;


Type: string

The object's name.

Type: string

The object's description. If the parameter is an empty string the Description is ignored.

Type: TStream

The object's data stream.

Return Value

Type: Integer

If the function succeed the return value is wclErrors.WCL_E_SUCCESS. Otherwise the method returns one of the WCL error codes.

The method starts sending an object to an OBEX server. When sending is completed the OnPutComplete event fires with the operation result.

If an application passes a valid Stream object to the method the object must be valid until OnPutComplete event fires. An application can destroy the stream object passed as the Stream parameter only after OnPutComplete event fired.

During execution of the Put operation the OnProgress event may (or may not) fire indicating the operation progress.