TwclCustomObexServer.Accept(string,Word) Method

Accepts the client's connection request.

Namespace: wclObex
 function Accept(const Description: string;
 const PacketSize: Word = $FFFF): Integer;


Type: string

The service's description.

Type: Word

The maximum OBEX packet size. The minimum allowed value is 0x00FF. The default value is 0xFFFF.

Return Value

Type: Integer

If the function succeed the return value is wclErrors.WCL_E_SUCCESS. Otherwise the method returns one of the WCL error codes.

An application calls this method from DoConnect method or from OnConnect event handler to accept the connection request.

If the method completed with success the ConnectionId property has valid connection ID that can be used to unique identify the connected client.

If method failed the connection request has been rejected by the implementation.