TwclMessageBroadcaster.Wait(THandle,Cardinal) Method

Waits until the specified event is in the signaled state or the time-out interval elapses.

Namespace: wclMessaging
 class function Wait(const Event: THandle;
 const Timeout: Cardinal): Integer; overload;


Type: THandle

A handle to the event.

Type: Cardinal

The time-out interval, in milliseconds. If a nonzero value is specified, the function waits until the event is signaled or the interval elapses. If Timeout is zero, the function does not enter a wait state if the event is not signaled; it always returns immediately. If Timeout is INFINITE, the function will return only when the event is signaled.

Return Value

Type: Integer

If the function succeed the returns value is wclErrors.WCL_E_SUCCESS. Otherwise the function returns one of the WCL error codes.