TwclRfCommServerConnection.Listen(TGUID,string,Byte,Boolean,Boolean) Method

The method starts listening for client connections.

Namespace: wclBluetooth
 function Listen(const Service: TGUID; const ServiceName: string = '';
 const Channel: Byte = 0; const Authentication: Boolean = True;
 const Encryption: Boolean = False): Integer;



The Bluetooth Service UUID. If the Channel parameter is zero, the system attempts to use Service to resolve the remote channel corresponding to the service. The service class is a normalized 128-bit GUID, defined by the Bluetooth specification. Common GUIDs are defined by the Bluetooth Assigned Numbers document. Alternatively, a unique GUID may be used for a domain-specific application.

Type: string

The option service name.

Type: Byte

The RFCOMM channel number. If zero the Service UUID will be used.

Type: Boolean

Specifies that authentication is required for a connect operation to complete successfully. Setting this option actively initiates authentication during connection establishment, if the two Bluetooth devices were not previously authenticated.

Type: Boolean

The option enforces encryption to establish a connection. Encryption is only available for authenticated connections.

Return Value

Type: Integer

If the function succeed the return value is wclErrors.WCL_E_SUCCESS. Otherwise the method returns one of the WCL error codes.

NOTE: BlueSoleil has limited support for Authentication and Encryption.. Also it doe snot support user-defined RFCOMM channel number.