TwclGattClientConnection.WriteClientConfiguration(TwclGattCharacteristic,Boolean,TwclGattOperationFlag,TwclGattProtectionLevel) Method

Writes the client configuration descriptor to the device.

Namespace: wclBluetooth
 function WriteClientConfiguration(
 const Characteristic: TwclGattCharacteristic;
 const Subscribe: Boolean; const Flag: TwclGattOperationFlag;
 const Protection: TwclGattProtectionLevel): Integer;


Type: TwclGattCharacteristic

A characteristic object in that changes an application is interested.

Type: Boolean

The value indicates should we subscribe or unsubscribe from the characteristic value changes.

Type: TwclGattOperationFlag

Operation behavior flag.

Type: TwclGattProtectionLevel

Describes the required protection level.

Return Value

Type: Integer

If the function succeed the return value is wclErrors.WCL_E_SUCCESS. Otherwise the method returns one of the WCL error codes.

In order to receive notifications about characteristic value changes the client must set the Client Configuration Descriptor. An application can use this method to do it in easy way.