TwclBluetoothRadio.SetConnectable(Boolean) Method

Changes the connectable state of the local Bluetooth Radio.

Namespace: wclBluetooth
 function SetConnectable(const Connectable: Boolean): Integer;


Type: Boolean

The new connectable state for the Radio.

Return Value

Type: Integer

If the function succeed the return value is wclErrors.WCL_E_SUCCESS. Otherwise the method returns one of the WCL error codes.

Setting the Conenctable parameter to True allows remote Bluetooth enabled devices to connect to this Radio.

Setting the Conenctable parameter to False blocks the Radio from remote Bluetooth enabled devices connecting.

Microsoft: A radio that is non-connectable is non-discoverable. The radio must be made non-discoverable prior to making a radio non-connectable. Failure to make a radio non-discoverable prior to making it non-connectable will result in failure of this method call.