TwclBluetoothRadio.GetLmpVersion(Byte,Word) Method

Reads the LMP version of the local Radio module.

Namespace: wclBluetooth
 function GetLmpVersion(out Version: Byte; out Subversion: Word): Integer;


Type: Byte

On output the LMP version number.

Type: Word

On output the LMP subversion number.

Return Value

Type: Integer

If the function succeed the return value is wclErrors.WCL_E_SUCCESS. Otherwise the method returns one of the WCL error codes.

The LMP version assignment numbers:

0 - Bluetooth Core Specification 1.0b

1 - Bluetooth Core Specification 1.1

2 - Bluetooth Core Specification 1.2

3 - Bluetooth Core Specification 2.0 + EDR

4 - Bluetooth Core Specification 2.1 + EDR

5 - Bluetooth Core Specification 3.0 + HS

6 - Bluetooth Core Specification 4.0

7 - Bluetooth Core Specification 4.1

8 - Bluetooth Core Specification 4.2

9 - Bluetooth Core Specification 5.0

10 - Bluetooth Core Specification 5.1

11 - Bluetooth Core Specification 5.2

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