TwclBluetoothLeBeaconWatcher.DoEddystoneTlmFrame(Int64,Int64,SByte,Cardinal,Word,Cardinal,Double,TwclBluetoothLeAdvertisementFrameRawData) Method

Fires the OnEddystoneTlmFrame event.

Namespace: wclBluetooth
 procedure DoEddystoneTlmFrame(const Address: Int64; const Timestamp: Int64;
 const Rssi: SByte; const AdvCnt: Cardinal; const Batt: Word;
 const SecCnt: Cardinal; const Temp: Double;
 const Data: TwclBluetoothLeAdvertisementFrameRawData); virtual;


Type: Int64

The Bluetooth LE advertiser's MAC address.

Type: Int64

The frame's timestamp in Universal Time format.

Type: SByte

The measured RSSI value in dBm at range between -100 dBm and +20 dBm at 1 dBm resolution.

Type: Cardinal

The running count of advertisement frames of all types emitted by the beacon since power-up or reboot, useful for monitoring performance metrics that scale per broadcast frame. If this value is reset (e.g. on reboot), the current time field is also reset.

Type: Word

The current battery charge in millivolts, expressed as 1 mV per bit. If not supported (for example in a USB-powered beacon) the value should be zeroed.

Type: Cardinal

The 0.1 second resolution counter that represents time since beacon power-up or reboot. If this value is reset (e.g. on a reboot), the AdvCnt count field is also reset.

Type: Double

The beacon temperature in degrees Celsius sensed by the beacon. If not supported the value is -128 °C.

Type: TwclBluetoothLeAdvertisementFrameRawData

The additional frame data.